Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest Repeller

Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest RepellerFor several years I've been plagued by gophers. I have dogs that would like to help me root them out and so they've had to be confined to a pen that has chicken wire to prevent the digging (the only time they dig is to go after the gophers). My yard looked like it had the measles from all the gopher mounds and mowing was a real drag. I did get smelly things, tried all the organic methods I could find from garlic to peppers to castor oil sprayed on the runs (apparently they don't like that). There was no change. I just hate to kill them! This little thing did the trick. I live in clay soil so I guess it's helpful but the mole holes have completely stopped. There is no evidence left that they like my yard. I bought two and put them one in the front and one in the back but the gophers in the side yard seem to be gone too. I'm on just under 3/4 acre. I think the change is these devices as the timing was right but as soon as it warms a little more here, I will know for sure. I'm pretty sure already as I was getting new mounds of activity and they have completely stopped, so I'm thinking these babies did the job. Yippee, no gophers! Maybe I can let the dogs back into the big yard!

The burrowing activity has certainly been reduced, and plants are no longer disappearing or dying from gophers and moles destroying their roots, but on occasion I still see evidence of burrowing activity right up to 8" from the repeller. The Sunforce Repeller has a been a reasonable substitute for poisons or traps in an area that is contiguous with a wild life preserve.

Buy Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest Repeller Now

The product arrived quickly, installed easily, and has done a great job of chasing away those pesky rodents!! It emits a high frequency sound so that you know it's doing its job!!

Read Best Reviews of Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest Repeller Here

The Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest Repeller works as advertised. It started up straight way and hasn't stopped all summer. True to published cautions, it does tend to attract creatures out of curiosity for the first day or so before repelling them, but that's certainly not a defect of the product. We bought two of these to cover our somewhat large front lawn and I find it advantageous to move them around every few weeks just to ensure we're "marking our turf" and not letting any of our little visitors get too accustomed to the buzzing that the repellers emit. I can recommend this product to anyone suffering from underground attacks as a reliable means of discouraging unwanted space invaders.

Want Sunforce 80001 Solar Pest Repeller Discount?

Save all your packaging and be prepared to return the product.

1) Here is how you can test the product (without doing any technical work). After assembling per instructions, cover the solar top so that it gets no light. This will force the unit to run off the batteries (which come pre-charged). You will hear the unit hum/vibrate, as it should. Leave it like that for a few days to drain the batteries. After you are sure the batteries are drained (unit no longer makes intermittent hums/vibrations), remove the solar cover, and take it outside in the sun. Make sure the solar collector is getting direct sun. If the unit is wired correctly it will resume operation and the batteries will recharge. Congratulations, you have received operational product.

2) Here is how you can repair the product (if you don't want to send it back for a refund). A) Remove the little screws underneath the top of the product. B) If you have access to a volt meter, take a reading on solder points where the wires from the solar collector are soldered. If you have to switch the meter leads (black on red; red on black), to obtain a normal voltage reading, then the solar collector is wired backwards. I got a reading of about -8 volts (DC). C) The wiring can be corrected by cutting the red and black wires near the middle of the collector. D) Re-splice to opposites (connect red to black; black to red). This will correct the problem, but the better way is to re-solder the wires on the printed circuit board in reverse locations. E) Once you have swapped the wires, and if sunlight is hitting the solar collector, it will start working. F) You should also pull the battery plug and take a voltage reading on the two little prongs. You should be getting about an 8 VDC reading there as well (meaning it will recharge the batteries).

Does the product really work? Well I don't know yet, just got them working, but at least the two I purchased are now operational. If I see gopher damage diminish, maybe I will come back and add a star...

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